DALIM SOFTWARE continues to steer a successful roll-out of DALIM DRIVE, letting printers seamlessly add individual production tasks without changing their existing workflows.

DALIM DRIVE is highlighted in DALIM SOFTWARE’s first DUO21 onAir weekly live-experience webinar, scheduled for May 19.


• DALIM DRIVE provides stand-alone workflow tasks that allow commercial printers with very challenging workflow requirements to quickly add prepress tools to scale up to meet demand.

 DALIM DRIVE can be massively deployed and scaled indefinitely using either cloud or on-premises infrastructures, using a JDF API-driven library of print production tools.

• With more than 100 available, limitlessly scalable microtasks, DALIM DRIVE lets any anyone upgrade any portion of their workflows that needs assistance.

• The first DUO21 onAir episode, scheduled for May 19, focuses on DALIM DRIVE

DALIM SOFTWARE (www.dalim.com), makers of highly efficient, scalable software solutions for creating, production, and managing print and cross-media content, has challenged its customers to ‘Scale your business with DALIM DRIVE’. And, customers are taking test drives.

DALIM DRIVE is a stand-alone system that allows commercial printers with very challenging data and workflow requirements—those who rely on fast production to succeed—to quickly add very efficient prepress tools to scale up to meet demand. For many, it helps process files to match the high speed of digital presses. It can be massively deployed and scaled indefinitely using either cloud (such as Amazon Web Service) or on-premises infrastructures, making connections to existing workflow systems using a JDF API-driven library of print production tools. APIs are the technology that combine different systems together.

“In today’s fast-paced world of on-demand printing and tight deadlines, print service providers are under pressure to deliver large volumes of print swiftly, while burdened with more deliverables, file formats, versioning, and content personalization—all without mistakes or added costs,” notes Carol Werlé, DALIM SOFTWARE CEO. “Unfortunately, not all workflows are equal in feature sets, robustness—or speed. Many print service providers learn that they need to consider different, or new, software tools to scale rapidly. DALIM DRIVE lets any print provider add one—or a few—workflow production tasks that deliver much more productivity than what they could deliver in their existing solutions.”

By collecting the unique capabilities of DALIM SOFTWARE’s production workflow into a series of limitlessly scalable microtasks, DALIM DRIVE lets any print/prepress provider upgrade any portion of their workflows that needs assistance. There are more than 100 tools available without interfering with any existing production workflow system. DALIM DRIVE is easy for print service providers to use on a monthly basis, selecting only the required tools that are needed for special projects.

In a sense, this treats a production workflow as a sort of ‘headless system’; one that relies on the attached tools to do all of the production work. Yet, in the case of DALIM DRIVE, the existing, functional production system is augmented by a few tools. This allows the flexibility to add tools when needed, the ability to experiment with new tools without interfering with the workflow itself, and adding new, fast tools rapidly and easily because APIs are relatively open ‘keys’ to the system.

Because DALIM DRIVE is powerful and flexible, it means different things to different companies:

• “Over the past few years, we have sent almost everything–business cards, posters, letterheads, envelopes, etc. to the trapping engine. There may be about 30,000-40,000 jobs a day–or we may have 20,000 jobs a day that include magazines with 60-100 pages. We trap every page through the DALIM DRIVE trapping tool.” explains Marcel Troll, Manager and Head of IT Department-Software development, at FLYERALARM Digital GmbH.

• “Over the past year, our total DAM usage to support variable print assets for our clients was more than two million actions on more than 135,000 assets. For a part of this work, we turned some heads within the USPS in the way we handled the Informed Delivery asset management. DALIM ES, powered by DALIM DRIVE, was the key tool for this portion of the workflow,” says Carroll Schiley, Director, Production Technology Applications, IWCO Direct. “It has saved countless hours of CC desktop editing time by preflighting and normalizing our assets automatically.”

• “Until DALIM DRIVE, there was nothing available at this speed. DALIM DRIVE has allowed us to meet our clients’ Service Level Agreements and provided us with the platform to expand our existing business,” comments Alan Darling, Vice President, Information Systems, The Quantum Group.

DALIM DRIVE featured in DUO21 onAir: Together from anywhere.

DALIM SOFTWARE is repeating its successful DUO onAir webinar series again, this year. DUO21 will offer participants a virtual, live experience that allows them to participate in learning focused on panel discussions—along with a little fun.

The first episode, scheduled for May 19, highlights business and production workflows that require process integration and process modularity. Dave Zwang, Principal of Zwang & Company will explain why is it so crucial in today’s business and production workflows and why microservices, like DALIM DRIVE are so important. Explaining the Quantum Group business case, Alan Darling will outline production pain points, and how DALIM DRIVE solved their challenges.

“For nearly thirty years, DALIM SOFTWARE’s roots in digitizing complex print content has resulted in proven solutions—from industry-leading preflight and file normalization, to advanced trapping, file conversion, and file comparison. We have identified and separated the most important features from our full workflow suite. Our API-first philosophy of delivering a number of tasks delivers greater speed—and, the architecture can scale to any performance requirement,” adds Werlé. “DALIM DRIVE can take a mature product and tweak it into a more finely tuned system, extended with greater power and speed.”

Anyone interested in learning about DALIM DRIVE can do so by visiting www.dalim.com/en/products/drive or contacting info@dalim.com. Anyone interested in the DALIM SOFTWARE DUO21 webinar series can visit https://onair.dalim.com/en/home.


DALIM SOFTWARE GmbH, headquartered in Kehl, Germany, offers highly efficient, scalable software solutions for creating, producing, and managing cross-media content, focusing on globally operating companies in the media and communication industry.

Since 1985, the world’s most prominent publishers, publication printers, agencies, and brand owners can be found among the company’s customers, as well as a variety of quality- and service-oriented premedia companies and printers of all sizes. They all utilize DALIM SOFTWARE’s innovative technologies to the fullest extent.

DALIM SOFTWARE produces the exceptionally productive, modular software engines TWIST, DIALOGUE Engine, and ES, which offer specialized collaborative solutions for media content. Its fully customizable interfaces allow users to integrate into customer-facing applications and seamlessly connect to business processes.

For further information about DALIM SOFTWARE products, please visit http://www.dalim.com.